
Upcoming Shows
8/31/2024 - Buck Creek at ABATE of Kansas 49th Annual National Labor Day Rally(Perry Lake, KS)
Buck Creek at ABATE of Kansas 49th Annual National Labor Day Rally (12-2) 
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9/6/2024 - Buck Creek at Eagles #309(Lawrence, KS)
Buck Creek at Eagles #309 (7-10pm) 
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9/7/2024 - Buck Creek at 2rd Annual Ricky McDowell Music Scholarship Ride(Tonganoxie, KS)
Buck Creek at Ricky McDowell Music Scholarship Ride(2-6pm) 
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9/13/2024 - Buck Creek at Gayle's Bar(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at Gayle's Bar (8pm-12am) 
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9/14/2024 - Buck Creek at Perry Pride Fall Festival(Perry, KS)
Buck Creek at Perry Pride Fall Festival(11:30am-1pm) 
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9/17/2024 - Buck Creek at Louies 10th St. Lounge(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at Louies 10th St. Lounge(7-10pm) 
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9/20/2024 - Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(5-9pm) 
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9/21/2024 - Buck Creek at Trivedi Wine
Buck Creek at Trivedi Wine(5:30-7:30pm) 
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9/24/2024 - Buck Creek at Liquor, Lattes & Lace(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at Liquor, Lattes & Lace(7:30-10:30pm) 
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9/28/2024 - Buck Creek (Full Band) at The Bricks(Olsburg, KS)
Buck Creekat The Bricks(8pm-12am) 
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10/22/2024 - Buck Creek at Louies 10th St. Lounge(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at Louies 10th St. Lounge(7-10pm) 
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11/9/2024 - Buck Creek at Empty Nester's Winery(Lecompton, KS)
Buck Creek at Empty Nester's Winery(5-7pm)  
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Previous Shows
7/6/2024 - Buck Creek at Empty Nester's Winery(Lecompton, KS)
Buck Creek at Empty Nester's Winery(7-9pm) 
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7/8/2024 - Buck Creek at Private Event
Buck Creek at Private Event 
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7/19/2024 - Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company (5-9pm) 
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7/20/2024 - Buck Creek at Summerfest Auto Show(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at Summerfest Auto Show(3-7pm) 
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7/27/2024 - Buck Creek at D-dubs(Eudora, KS)
Buck Creek at D-dub's (8pm-12am) 
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8/2/2024 - Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company (5-9pm) 
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8/3/2024 - Buck Creek at Gayle's Bar(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at Gayle's Bar(8pm-12am) 
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8/9/2024 - Buck Creek at Eagles 309(Lawrence, KS)
Buck Creek at Eagles 309 (7-10pm) 
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8/10/2024 - Buck Creek at Grizzly's Bar and Grill(Oskaloosa, KS)
Buck Creek at Grizzly's Bar and Grill (7-11pm) 
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8/11/2024 - Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(1-5pm) 
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8/17/2024 - Buck Creek at Liquor, Lattes & Lace (Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at Liquor, Lattes & Lace (8-11PM) 
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8/23/2024 - Buck Creek at Hilltop Bar (Tonganoxie, KS)
Buck Creek at Hilltop Bar (8pm-12am) 
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8/24/2024 - Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(Topeka, KS)
Buck Creek at 785 Beer Company(5-9pm) 
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Areas Covered

Northeast Kansas

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